It is 20 years ago that Kim Anders started to play the guitar. He bought a flying V guitar of his older brother and learned a few riffs and there has never been any regrets.
Kim:"I started in the beginning of 1989, I don't have an exact date, but sometime during January or February of '89 it all begun. I was 15 years old and I was wearing Ball sweaters and Levi's 501 jeans. I had been listening to Metallica for some months by then and that was really inspiring music. At that time I especially liked the ballad stuff. Songs like Fade To Black and Welcome Home really stood out and gave me the chills every time I listened to them, and I loved the solos. My brother played in a band at that time and I guess he bought a better guitar and got rid of the old one by selling it to me. Anyways, I loved that V shape guitar and the dreams of arena sized gigs was born. I learned a few tricks from my brother like bends, hammer-on/pull-offs, tapping and palm muting, and he showed me a few riffs as well like AC/DC's Hells Bells and Metallica's Welcome Home, but generally he stayed out of my way and I have learned a lot by just listeneing to records".